All Tests

Feed Analysis

Feed Analysis

Equine Tests

Equine Tests

Large Animal Tests

Large Animal Tests

Food Animal Biochemistry Tests

Food Animal Biochemistry Tests

Swine Tests

Swine Tests

Companion Animal Test

Companion Animal Test



Feed Analysis Code (SKU) Description
Mineral analysis ICPF ICP-MS mineral analysis for the following elements in silage samples: Ca, P, K, Mg, Na, Cu, Zn, Mo,
Grass ensilability testing Ensil Estimation of sugar and nitrate levels in grass to assess ensilability
Silage feed value NIRS NIRS analysis of grass/ wholecrop or maize silage for feed value parameters including protein, energy, volatile fatty acids
Equine Blood Profile Code (SKU) Description
Equine Biochemistry BIOE Urea (BUN), CK, Creatinine, Albumin, Alkaline phosphatase, Total protein, Albumin, Globulin GGT, GLDH Cattle/ Sheep Clotted serum sample. (Please ensure tube full)
Equine Mineral Profile EMP Cu, Se, Zn, Iodine, Ca, Mg, Cobalt Phosphorous
Haematology HAEME Full blood count. (EDTA tube required)
Combination Equine Haematology & Biochemistry HAEMEB N/A
ACTH Assay ACTH Test to evaluate PPID/ equine Cushings syndrome. Separated EDTA plasma required, should be transported chilled or frozen
Insulin Assay INS Adjuct test for PPID/ Equine metabolic syndrome
Equine Microbiology Code (SKU) Description
Abscess / Wound Swab Culture AWS Culture and sensitivity testing, minimum 2 day turnaround.
CEM Swab Stallion CEMS CEMS CEM Swabs Stallion 3 charcoal swabs per stallion. Must reach lab within 48hrs of sampling. 7 day minimum turnaround. (Price on Request)
Endometrial Lavage or Swab Culture EMC Aerobic and anaerobic culture and sensitivity testing.Confirmation by Maldi tof Minimum turnaround 3 days.
CEM PCR & CULTURE PCTEC PCR test for Taylorella equigeneitalis aerobic culture for Klebsiella pneumoniae and pseudomanas aerugiosa.
Equine PCR Testing Code (SKU) Description
Tayorella PCR PCTE PCR test for Tayorella equigenitalis 48hr turnaround ON REQUEST.
Rhodococcus Equi PCR REQI Special Request
Streptococcus Equi PCR STPCR Special Request
Equine Parasitology Code (SKU) Description
Equine Lungworm Larvae ELL Detection of lungworm larvae eggs in faecal samples
Equine Liverfluke EFL Detection of liver fluke eggs in faecal samples
Equine Worm Egg Count EWC Roundworm count on faecal samples.
Equine Serology Testing Code (SKU) Description
Equine Infectious Anaemia EIA Elisa test
Equine Viral Arteritis EVA Elisa test
Equine Influenza A INFA Antibody elisa test
Equine Pre- Breeding Screen PREB EIA Elisa, EVA Elisa, CEM Culture and PCR
L/A Antibody Elisa Tests Code (SKU) Description
IBRgB Antibody Elisa EL01 Use in unvaccinated herds. BL/IM
Mycoplasma Bovis AB Elisa EL13 Cattle. Clotted blood sample/ Bulk Tank Milk
Chlamydia Abortus AB Elisa EL14 Sheep. Clotted blood sample
Toxoplasma AB Elisa EL15 Sheep, Clotted blood sample.
Q Fever Antibody Elisa EL17 BL
Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus EL20 BL
BVD P80 Antibody Elisa EL21 Cattle, for the detection of antibodies to BVD Virus. Positive results indicate previous exposure or vaccination. Test code PC01; PC02 or IA01 required to demonstrate viraemia. BL, IM, BTM
Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Whole Virus Antibody Elisa EL23 Whole virus antibody elisa for the detection of BVDV in cattle serum.
Caseous Lymphadenitis Antibody Elisa EL24 Antibody Elisa for the detection of CLA antibodies in sheep and goat serum.
IBRgE Antibody Elisa EL02 For use to detect naturally infected animals which may have been vaccinated BL/IM
IBR Bulk Tank Milk Antibody Elisa EL03 Highly sensitive IBR antibody detection test for bulk tank samples from dairy herds BTM.
MAP Antibody Elisa EL04 Johnes Disease test. BL/IM
Leptospira Hardjo Antibody Elisa EL05 Antibody elisa. Cattle BL
Salmonella Antibody Elisa EL07 Multispecies test for salmonella. Cattle BL
Salmonella dublin Elisa EL08 Exposure to Salmonella Dublin. Cattle BL/BTM
Neospora Antibody Elisa EL09 Cattle, Clotted blood sample.
Mannheimia Haemolytica AB Elisa EL10 Cattle. Clotted blood sample
Parainfluenza 3 (PI3) AB Elisa EL11 Cattle, Clotted blood sample.
BHV4 Antibody Elisa EL12 Cattle. Clotted blood sample
Bovine Herpes Virus 1 AB elisa EL22 Whole virus antibody test for detection of BHV1. Can be used on BTM and pools of up to 10 serum samples. Cattle
Bovine Coronavirus antibody elisa EL25 Elisa test to detect antibodies to bovine coronavirus in bovine serum samples
Anaplasma phagocytophilum antibody elisa test EL26 Detect antibodies to "tick borne fever" in ruminant serum samples . Useful to demonstrate presence of infection on a farm
L/A Antigen Immunoassay Code (SKU) Description
BVD erns Elisa IA01 Cattle. Clotted Blood. Detects persistently infected BVD animals. Calves 75 days old
Calf Scour Test IA02 Calves Faeces Detection of rotavirus, coronavirus, E.coli, cryptosporidia
Lamb Faecal Scour Test IA03 Lambs faeces detection of rotavirus, coronavirus, E.coli, cryptosporidia
Giardia Faecal Test IA04 Faecal samples from Lambs and calves
Large Animal PCR tests Code (SKU) Description
BVD PCR PC01 Individual blood samples
Johnes Disease PCR PC02 Cattle, Sheep, goat’s faeces. Detection of Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis
Tick Borne Fever PCR PC04 Cattle, sheep. EDTA blood samples. Detection of Anaplasma phagoctyophilium
TRICHOMONAS PCR PC08 Detection of Trichomonas fetus in sheath washes from bulls or vaginal swabs from cows.
Respiratory Cattle PCR PCBR Respiratory Cattle PCR Detection of IBR, PI3, Coronavirus, BRSV, BHV4, Badv Mannheimia haemolytica, Histophilus sommni, Mycoplasma bovis in nasal swabs/ BAL fluid or Lung Tissue
Mastitis PCR PCMA Detection of mastitis causing organisms in cattle. Strep. Uberis/dysgalagtiae/agalactiae; Staph aureus. Mycoplasma bovis.
Mycoplasma Bovis PCR PC07 Cattle Milk, joint fluid, nasal swab, bronchoalveolar lavage. Detection of mycoplasma bovis
Campylobacter Culture & PCR (vibriosis) PC09 Detection of Campylobacter fetus in sheath washes from bulls or vaginal swabs from cows.
Bovine Abortion PCR PCBA Swab from placenta or bovine foetus. Detection of Neospora caninum, Q fever leptospira spp, Salmonella, Histophilus sommni
Ovine Abortion PCR PCOA Swab from placenta or ovine foetus Detection of Toxoplasma gondii and Chlamydia abortus. Campylobacter Foetus. Salmonella spp, Q fever
Q Fever PCR PCQF Detection of Q Fever(Coxiella burnetti) in birth fluids/ abortion material or milk.
Mycoplasma wenyonii PCR PCMW PCR test to Mycoplasma wenyonii in Bovine blood samples . EDTA tube required. Up to 5 individual samples may be pooled
Large Animal Profiles Code (SKU) Description
Bovine Infertility AB Profile BIA Neospora Ab; IBRgE Ab; Salmonella Dublin Ab; Salmonella spp Ab; BOHV4 Ab; Leptospirosis hardjo Ab. Q Fever Ab
Respiratory Antibody Profile (Bovine) BRAP IBRgE Ab; BRSV Ab; PI3 Ab; Mannheimia haemolytica Ab; Mycoplasma bovis Ab; Coronavirus. Clotted blood sample required, please ensure tube full
Combined IBR RSV antibody pooled Test (Pool of 10) IBRS IBR Whole Virus Elisa and RSV Antibody Elisa. Can be used on pool of up to 10 clotted serum samples from IBR un-vaccinated bovine animals.
Ovine Infertility AB Profile OIA Chlamydia abortus; toxoplasma gondii; Salmonella spp.
Large Animal Bacteriology Code (SKU) Description
Mastitis Culture (Dry Cow) BA01 Milk sample, no preservative. Antimicrobial sensitivity testing also provided. Penicillin, Cloxacillin, Amoxy/Clav acid, Cephalonium,Cephalexin, Fram/Pen, Tylosin, Marbofloxacin.Maldi Tof confirmation of isolates where necessary
Mastitis Culture (Lactating) BA01L Milk Sample, no preservative. Antimicrobial sensitivity testing: Penicillin,Cloxacillin, Amoxy/ Clav acid, Trimethoprim/ sulphonamide Marbofloxacin, Neomycin, Cephalexin Tylosin, Oxytetracycline . Maldi Tof confirmation of isolates where necessary
Skin Swab/ Abscess Culture BA02 Cattle, sheep, other species. . Maldi Tof species confirmation. Antimicrobial sensitivity testing also provided
Large Animal Parasitology Code (SKU) Description
Pooled Lungworm PA04 Cattle, Sheep Faeces Baermann Technique. Samples will be tested as one composite sample
Individual Fluke PA05 Cattle/Sheep samples. Submitted samples will be tested individually for liver fluke and rumen fluke with sedimentation technique
Pooled Fluke PA06 Cattle/Sheep samples. Submitted samples will be tested as one pool for liver fluke and rumen fluke with sedimentation technique
Coccidia Oocyst Count & Speciation PA07 Cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry Faeces
Pooled Fluke & Worm PA09 Individual samples will be tested as one pool using the sedimentation and McMaster technique.
Individual Fluke & Worm PA10 Combination of PA01 and PA05
Ostertagia Bulk Tank Milk Dairy Cattle EL31 N/A
Test Kit : Ostertagia Bulk Tank Milk Dairy Cattle EL31K Detection of gut worm antibodies in bulk tank milk samples.Includes sample kit
Fasciola Hepatica Antibody Elisa EL32 Detection of exposure to liver fluke in serum or milk samples from cattle
Individual Worm PA01 Roundworms and coccidia. Cattle, sheep, Faeces Mc Master Technique. Samples will be tested individually. Does not include a coccidia count or speciation
Pooled Worms PA02 Roundworms and coccidia. Cattle, sheep, Faeces Mc Master Technique. Submitted samples will be tested as one composite sample. Does not include coccidia count or speciation
Individual Lungworm PA03 Cattle, Sheep, Faeces Baermann Technique Samples will be tested individually
Other Large Animal Tests Code (SKU) Description
Metabolic Profile MEP Ca, Mg, Total Protein, Albumin . Globulin, Urea (BUN), Bhydroxybutyrate, NEFA. Clotted serum sample. Use to detect metabolic status and energy balance in dairy cows and sheep. (Please ensure tube full)
Mini Metabolic Profile MME NEFA, BHB,Ca,Mg. Use in transition period in cows or ewes. clotted serum sample
Somatic Cell Count SCC Milk Sample from Dairy Cattle
Transition cow package TRE 6x pregnant cows within 10 days of calving. Each sample analysed using MEP Profile above. 6x Cows 48hrs (+/- 12 hrs) post calving Each sample analysed for calcium. 6x cows 7-14 days calved. Each sample analysed using MEP profile above.
Food Animal Biochemistry Tests Code (SKU) Description
Magnesium MG Serum Sample
Albumin AL Serum Sample
Alkaline Phosphate AP Serum Sample
Bhydroxybutrate BHB Serum Sample
Biochemistry Analysis BIOR Urea, CK, Creatinine, Albumin, Alkaline phosphatase, Total protein, Albumin, Globulin GGT, GLDH Cattle/ Sheep Clotted serum sample. (Please ensure tube full)
Calcium CA Serum Sample
CK CK Serum Sample
Creatine CRE Serum Sample
Copper CU Serum or plasma
Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase GGT Serum Sample
Glutamate Dehydrogenase GLDH Serum Sample
Glucose GLU Sodium Fluroide tube required.
Haematology HAEMB Bovine, Full Blood Count. (EDTA tube required)
Iodine Assay (ICP-MS) IO Iodine determination on serum and water samples
Iodine Assay (ICP-MS) – Pooled IOX Iodine determination on pooled serum & water samples
Mineral Profile (ICP-MS) MPF Cu, Se, Zn, Iodine, Ca, Mg, Cobalt Phosphorous Cattle/ sheep Clotted serum sample
Pooled Mineral Profile (ICP-MS) MPFX Cu, Se, Zn, Iodine, Ca, Mg, Cobalt Phosphorous Cattle/ sheep Clotted serum sample on pooled samples
NEFA NEFA Serum Sample
Selenium SE Not available as individual test, see MPF
Total Protein TP Serum Sample
Urea (BUN) URE Serum Sample
Zinc ZN Serum Sample
Swine PCR Combination Packages Code (SKU) Description
Oral Fluid PCR screening test PCORF Multiplex PCR test package for the detection of PRRS, PCV2 and PCV3,Influenza A,
Post Weaning Diarrhoea PCR Package PCPWD Multiple PCR test package to detect Brachyspira hyodsenteriae and piloscoli, Lawsonia Intercellularis, Salmonella spp,
Piglet enteritis PCR package PCPE Clostridium dificile, Clostridium perfringens typing, Rotavirus A and C
Other Swine Tests Code (SKU) Description
Swine Enteric Culture BA04 Selective culture and antimicrobial sensitivity testing for enteric disease causing organisms in pigs.
Swine Respiratory Culture BA05 Aerobic and anerobic culture, antimicrobial sensitivity testing for respiratory disease causing organisms in pigs.
Swine faecal egg count PA20 Microscopic detection of gutworm eggs and coccidal oocysts in faeces.
Swine Elisa tests Code (SKU) Description
Lawsonia Intracellularis Antibody Elisa Test. ELLI Elisa test to detect antibodies against lawsonia intracellularis.
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae Antibody Elisa Test MHYO N/A
PRRS Antibody Elisa test PRRS N/A
Swine Influenza Virus Antibody Elisa SI N/A
Swine salmonella Elisa SSE N/A
PCV 2 Elisa. ELPCV Determination of IgG levels to PCV2 . Useful in young pigs to determine the levels of MDA before vaccination
Swine PCR Tests Code (SKU) Description
Influenza PCR PCAI PCR test for Influenza A.
Swine influenza A subtyping PCAIT Subcontracted test
Brachyspira PCR PCBRH PCR test to detect Brachyspira hyodysenteriae and brachyspira piloscoli in faecal samples.
Chlamydia abortus PCR PCCAB PCR test for the detection of Chlamydia abortus. Suitable samples include tissue swabs including aborted foetus, placenta, uterine tissue and contents.
Chlamydia spp PCR PCCHL PCR test for the detection od Chlamydia spp. and Chlamydia abortus. Suitable samples include tissue/ swabs including aborted foetuses , placenta, uterine tissue and contents
Lawsonia Intracellularis PCR PCLI Faeces, in pools of up to 5 samples
Mycoplasma hyopeneumonia PCR test PCMHYO For the detection of Mycoplasma hyopeumonia in lung tissue
Porcine Circovirus PCR (PCV) & PCV3 PCPCV N/A
PRRS PCR TEST PCPRS Blood, serum, tissue, bronchial swabs, bronchial lavage, saliva, and semen samples from swine and cell culture supernatant and collective samples of saliva. Detection of European, Northa American and North American Strains. ISO17025 Accredited test
Rotavirus C PCR PCRC Feacal Samples ( Rota virus A also available test code PCRA see multispecies)
Rotavirus A and C PCR PCRAC Combination Rotavirus A and C PCR
Companion Animal Test Code (SKU) Description
Small Animal Culture BASA Culture & Sensitivity testing. Ears, pyoderma, abscess etc. Aerobic and anaerobic culture
Companion animal Biochemistry Analysis BIOC ALT,ALP, Creatinine, Total Billrubin, BUN, Total Protein, Globulin, Albumin, Ca, Phosphate, Potassium, Sodium, Chloride
Companion Animal Haematology HAEM Complete blood count
Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus 2 PCR RHDV N/A
Multispecies Code (SKU) Description
Salmonella Culture BA03 Sample enrichment & selective culture and sensivity. Faecal, Swabs, Tissue, Boot Socks.
Maldi-Tof MALD Available on special request as an ancillary test for speciation of bacteria following culture
Leptospirosis PCR PCLEP PCR for the detection of pathogenic strains of leptospirosis for use on urine and tissue such as aborted foetuses, placenta, uterine tissus and content.
Rotavirus A PCR PCRA Feacal Samples
Salmonella PCR PCSA Detection of salmonella in faecal / tissue samples.
Thyroxine T4 Serum Sample
Influenza A PCR PCAI-1 Can be used on pools of up to 10 samples
Avian Biochemistry profile BioAV ALT, AST, Uric Acid, Triglycerides, Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Total protein , Iron, Ca, P Creatinine,
Farmlab Diagnostics

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