Salmonella Antibody ELISA (Multispecies)

Salmonella is a significant zoonotic pathogen that risks both animal and human health. In cattle, Salmonella infections can lead to enteritis, systemic disease, and significant economic losses due to decreased productivity and increased veterinary care costs. The Salmonella antibody ELISA test is a valuable diagnostic tool for detecting antibodies in various animal species, helping to monitor and control Salmonella infections in livestock populations.

Importance of Antibody Detection

Detecting antibodies against Salmonella provides insights into the immune response of animals following exposure to the pathogen, aiding in understanding the epidemiology of Salmonella infections. It also helps identify carriers that may not exhibit clinical signs but can shed the bacteria, contributing to the spread of the disease within and beyond the herd. The test can also be used to assess the response to vaccination

ELISA Methodology

Blood samples are taken in plain (clotted) tubes and sent to the laboratory. The samples are spun down to allow serum harvesting. The level of antibody present in the sample is determined by measuring the optical density of the samples following a number of incubation steps. Samples can be specifically tested to detect antibodies to Salmonella Dublin or to a broad range of Salmonella spp.


The Salmonella antibody ELISA has various applications in livestock health management:

  • Disease Surveillance: The test is used for routine monitoring of Salmonella infections in herds, enabling early intervention.
  • Food Safety: By identifying carriers, the ELISA test helps reduce the risk of Salmonella transmission through the food chain, ensuring safer meat and dairy products.
  • Vaccination Efficacy Assessment: The test can evaluate the immune response to vaccines designed to protect against Salmonella infections.

ELISA Antibody Detection Tests: Mannheimia haemolytica Antibody ELISA (Cattle)

Mannheimia haemolytica is a significant pathogen in cattle, primarily associated with respiratory disease, particularly bovine respiratory disease (BRD). This bacterium can cause severe clinical symptoms, leading to substantial economic losses in the cattle industry due to decreased productivity and increased veterinary costs. Using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect antibodies against Mannheimia haemolytica offers a reliable method for diagnosing infections and managing herd health.

Importance of Antibody Detection

Detecting antibodies against Mannheimia haemolytica helps identify animals exposed to the pathogen, even if they are not showing clinical signs. This is particularly important in managing BRD, as early identification can lead to more effective treatment and control measures. Understanding the immune response within a herd can guide vaccination strategies and enhance overall herd immunity. Animals that have recently developed antibodies are likely to have recently been affected by bovine pneumonia.

ELISA Methodology

Serum samples from cattle are tested in the laboratory on antigen-coated ELISA plates. The process involves several incubation steps, after which a colour change gives an indication of the level of antibodies present in the sample.


Mannheimia haemolytica antibody ELISA tests have multiple applications in cattle health management:

  • Disease Surveillance –  Regular testing can help monitor the prevalence of Mannheimia haemolytica in herds, enabling proactive management strategies.
  • Vaccination Efficacy –  ELISA can assess the immune response to vaccines, determining whether animals have developed sufficient antibodies post-vaccination.
  • Outbreak Investigation –  During BRD outbreaks, ELISA can identify affected animals, providing prompt intervention and treatment.

ELISA Antibody Detection Tests: Neospora Antibody ELISA (Cattle)

Neospora caninum is a protozoan parasite which causes abortion and infertility in infected animals  Infection is carried by dogs and transmitted to cattle via dog faeces. Once cows and heifers are infected they remain persistently infected for life with infection being passed vertically to their unborn foetus during pregnancy  Neospora antibody ELISA test is a tool for diagnosing infections and managing the health of cattle herds, particularly in dairy and beef operations.

Importance of Antibody Detection

Infected cows may not exhibit overt clinical signs but can transmit the parasite to their offspring, leading to abortion/ the birth of stillborn or non-viable calves or the subclinical infection of apparently healthy calves. Early detection through antibody testing can help producers implement effective control measures and reduce economic losses associated with the disease.

ELISA Methodology

The ELISA for Neospora antibody detection involves the following steps:

  1. Sample Collection: Blood samples are collected from cattle, particularly cows that have experienced reproductive failures.
  2. Coating Plates: Microtiter plates are coated with antigens specific to Neospora caninum. These antigens are typically derived from the parasite’s tachyzoite or bradyzoite stages.
  3. Incubation: The plates are incubated to facilitate the binding of antigens to the wells.
  4. Blocking: A blocking solution is used to prevent non-specific antibody binding.
  5. Sample Addition: Serum samples are diluted and added to the wells. Antibodies in the samples specific to Neospora will bind to the coated antigens.
  6. Detection: After washing the plates, a secondary enzyme-conjugated antibody is added, binding to bound antibodies.
  7. Substrate Reaction: A substrate for the enzyme is introduced, producing a measurable colour change.
  8. Analysis: The OD values are measured, and results are interpreted against a standard curve to quantify antibody levels.


The Neospora antibody ELISA test has several important applications in cattle health management:

  • Reproductive Health Monitoring: Regular testing helps identify at-risk cows and manage breeding programs effectively to reduce the incidence of abortion.
  • Epidemiological Studies: The test aids in understanding the prevalence and transmission dynamics of Neospora caninum within herds and identifying potentially infected animals.

Liver Fluke Information Note

Understanding Liver Fluke in Cattle and Sheep: A Guide for Farmers

Liver fluke infection, caused by the parasitic flatworm Fasciola hepatica, is a widespread and serious issue affecting both cattle and sheep. The parasite can lead to significant health problems in livestock, ultimately impacting farm productivity and profitability.

The Lifecycle of Liver Fluke

Understanding the lifecycle of liver fluke is crucial for effective control. The parasite has a complex life cycle that involves both definitive hosts (cattle and sheep) and an intermediate host, the mud snail (Galba truncatula).

Adult liver flukes live in the bile ducts of infected animals, where they lay eggs that are passed out in the host’s faeces. In wet and damp conditions, the eggs hatch into larvae (miracidia), which must find and infect a mud snail within a few hours. After a period of 6-8 weeks the larvae are released from the mudsnail and infect pasture. Once ingested, these larvae (metacercariae) migrate through the animal’s gut wall and liver tissue, eventually settling in the bile ducts of the liver, where they mature into adult flukes and begin the cycle again.

Negative Impact and Health Issues

Liver fluke infestation can have a range of detrimental effects on both cattle and sheep:

  1. Acute Liver Fluke: This occurs primarily in sheep but can also affect young cattle. Large numbers of immature flukes migrate through the liver, causing severe liver damage, hemorrhage, and in some cases, sudden death. Symptoms include weakness, anemia, and rapid weight loss.
  2. Chronic Liver Fluke: More common in cattle, chronic liver fluke results from long-term infection. Adult flukes in the bile ducts cause inflammation, fibrosis, and blockage, leading to reduced feed conversion efficiency, poor growth rates, decreased milk production, and reduced fertility. In severe cases, it can also lead to liver failure.
  3. Economic Impact: The economic consequences of liver fluke infection are significant, including reduced productivity and negative health impacts associated with liver damage such as poor response to vaccination or susceptibility to other infectious diseases, e.g. salmonellosis.

Controlling Liver Fluke

Effective control of liver fluke requires an integrated approach that combines pasture management, strategic treatment, and monitoring. Here are some key strategies:

  1. Pasture Management:
    • Drainage: Improving pasture drainage can make habitats less favourable for mud snails. However, this may not always be feasible or sufficient on its own.
    • Avoidance: If possible, avoid grazing livestock on wet, boggy pastures, especially during peak risk periods (late summer to early winter), when metacercariae are most abundant.
  2. Strategic Treatment:
    • Anthelmintics: Administering flukicides at strategic times of the year can help reduce the burden of liver fluke in the herd or flock. The choice of flukicide and timing of treatment should be based on the lifecycle stage of the fluke and local risk factors. Different flukicide groups are effective against different stages of liver fluke, for example triclabendozole is effective against early immature, and mature fluke where as oxyclozanide is only effective against mature (adult) fluke.
    • Treatment Timing: Typically, treatment is recommended in the autumn (to target immature flukes) and late winter or early spring (to target adult flukes). In some cases, additional treatments may be necessary during high-risk periods.
    • Resistance Management: To reduce the risk of drug resistance, rotate the use of different classes of flukicides and follow veterinary guidance on dosing and treatment intervals.
  3. Monitoring and Diagnosis:
    • Fecal Egg Counts (FEC): Regular fecal egg counts can help assess the level of liver fluke infection in your animals and guide treatment decisions. Be aware that it takes at least 13 or 14 weeks from the time of the animal being infected for fluke to become mature and start shedding eggs, therefore faecal egg counts are not useful for detecting early infections
    • Blood tests. Fasciola antibody elisa tests are a useful tool for detecting Liver fluke in cattle from about 3 weeks post infection. Elevated blood liver enzyme tests (GLDH and GGT) can also be indicative of liver damage relating to liver fluke infection
    • Bulk tank milk. Measuring Fasciola antibody levels in the bulk tank are a useful monitoring tool for liver fluke in dairy herds. They can also be used (with caution) to assess the response to treatment- herds with high bulk tank fasciola antibody levels at drying off should see a reduction in the bulk tank antibody levels in spring if treatment was successfully implemented. It should be noted that it can take up to 3 months for milk antibody levels to return to low levels post treatment.
    • Liver Fluke Forecasting: Utilize liver fluke forecasting services, which use weather data to predict fluke risk, helping you time treatments more effectively.
    • Post-Mortem Inspection: When animals are slaughtered, request a liver inspection report. This can provide valuable information on the presence of liver fluke in your herd or flock.


Liver fluke is a challenging parasite, but with the right management strategies, its impact can be minimized. By understanding the lifecycle of the parasite, recognizing the health issues it causes, and implementing effective control measures, you can protect your livestock and maintain farm productivity. Regular monitoring, combined with strategic treatment and good pasture management, are your best defenses against this costly parasite.

For personalized advice and treatment plans, always consult with your vet, who can help develop a tailored liver fluke control program based on the specific conditions of your farm.

For more detailed information an, contact FarmLab Diagnostics. Our diagnostic services can help you provide the best care for your sheep and cattle. Contact us to learn more.

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Information On TBF For Farmers And Vets

Tickborne Fever (TBF) is an infectious disease affecting the white blood cells of ruminants. The disease is transmitted by the tick Ixodes ricinus. The causative agent of this diseases is Anaplasma phagocytophilum. Infected ticks transmit the anaplasma organism to sheep and cattle while feeding on them. The infection is carried in the animals blood system, generally in the white blood cells

Signs of infection can vary and are not always noticed and may appear as early as 24 hours after the infected tick bite and last for up to 3 weeks. In sheep, high fever (≥41C) in animals recently moved onto tick infected pastures is often the first indicator of disease. Typically the fever is accompanied by loss of appetite, increased respiratory and pulse rates and, occasionally, coughing. Invasion of white blood cells by the pathogen can cause a severe decrease in number of white blood cells resulting in the impairment of the immune system and can increase susceptibility to a variety of other conditions including tick pyaemia, pasteurellosis, louping ill and listeriosis. In young lambs the main clinical sign is joint ill or spinal paralysis caused by tick pyaemia, while in pregnant ewes abortion storms can occur. Similarly, in infected cattle, clinical signs, which may not always be apparent, include depression, decreased appetite and respiratory signs, while older animals that are newly introduced into endemic areas may be more likely to abort. In dairy cows the most notable sign is a significant sudden drop in milk yield.

PCR testing is particularly useful in identifying infected animals for tickborne fever, individual samples from up to 5 animals can be combined in the laboratory to give one pooled result. Identification of the infectious organism ( Anaplasma phagocytophilum) by PCR is significant for the entire herd
Antimicrobial treatment (oxytetracycline) is generally regarded as the most effective treatment for clinically affected animals Control measures include

  • improved pasture management to reduce tick habitats ( Rushes, scrub) and moving electric fences out from hedgerows to reduce risk of grazing cattle coming in contact with ticks.
  • Pour-on/ spot-on products for the prevention of tick infestation
  • Exposing young calves to tick infested pastures, can boost the development of immunity in later life. It is generally believed animals are immune after 1-2 bouts of diseases. Immunity can wane rapidly however, if animals are removed from tick infested areas.

For more detailed information an, contact FarmLab Diagnostics. Our diagnostic services can help you provide the best care for your sheep and cattle. Contact us to learn more.

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Understanding Bovine Mastitis

Understanding Bovine Mastitis: A Guide for Farmers and Vets

Bovine mastitis remains one of the most significant challenges facing dairy farmers and vets. This painful and potentially devastating condition not only affects the health and welfare of the cows but also leads to substantial economic losses due to decreased milk production, discarded milk, treatment costs, and in severe cases, culling. This article provides an overview of bovine mastitis, its causes, and best practices for prevention and management, including the importance of selective dry cow therapy.

What is Bovine Mastitis?

Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland, primarily caused by bacterial infections. The inflammation can be clinical, where symptoms are visible (such as swelling, heat, redness, and changes in milk consistency), or subclinical, where no obvious symptoms are seen, but milk production and quality are adversely affected. Subclinical mastitis is particularly concerning because it often goes undetected, leading to long-term damage to the udder and persistent infection.

The Role of the Teat Canal

The teat canal serves as the first line of defense against pathogens entering the mammary gland. When bacteria gain access to the teat canal, they can multiply and spread throughout the mammary tissue, triggering an immune response and causing inflammation. The integrity of the teat canal is crucial; any damage or compromise increases the risk of mastitis. Factors such as poor milking practices, environmental contamination, and trauma to the teat end can all contribute to the likelihood of infection.

Major Causes of Mastitis

Mastitis can be caused by a variety of pathogens, but the most common are bacteria. These are broadly classified into contagious and environmental pathogens:

  1. Contagious Pathogens: These include Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus species such as Streptococcus agalactia or Streptococcus dysgalactia, and Mycoplasma species. They are primarily spread during milking via contaminated equipment, hands, or cloths used for wiping udders. Once these bacteria establish in the mammary gland, they are difficult to eliminate.
  2. Environmental Pathogens: These include Escherichia coli, Streptococcus uberis, and Streptococcus dysgalactiae. They are found in the cow’s environment, such as bedding, manure, and water. Poor sanitation and inadequate bedding management significantly increase the risk of environmental mastitis.

How to take a milk sample

Accurate diagnosis of mastitis depends on proper milk sampling. An aseptic technique is critical to avoid contamination, which could lead to misdiagnosis or incorrect treatment. Here’s a step-by-step guide to taking an aseptic milk sample:

  1. Preparation: Wash hands thoroughly and wear disposable gloves. Use clean sampling bottles, preferably sterile.
  2. Cleaning: Clean the udder and teats with a disposable cloth or paper towel. Disinfect the teat ends with an alcohol swab or cotton balls soaked in alcohol, starting with the teat farthest away and moving to the nearest one.
  3. Sampling: Discard the first few streams of milk. Collect the sample by holding the bottle at a 45-degree angle, allowing milk to flow directly into the container without touching the rim or teat end.
  4. Storage: Immediately seal the sample bottle, label it with the cow’s identification and the date, and refrigerate if not sending to the lab immediately.

Controlling Mastitis: Strategies and Practices

Preventing and controlling mastitis requires a multifaceted approach:

  1. Hygiene: Implement strict hygiene protocols during milking, including regular cleaning and maintenance of milking equipment. Teat dips and proper udder cleaning before and after milking are essential.
  2. Bedding Management: Keep cubicles clean and dry. Frequent bedding changes and using materials that reduce bacterial growth, such as lime, can help minimize environmental mastitis.
  3. Nutrition and Health: Ensure cows receive a balanced diet that supports their immune system. Address any underlying health issues that may predispose cows to mastitis, such as lameness or poor body condition. Adequate mineral supplementation is essential to maximise udder defenses against infection.
  4. Selective Dry Cow Therapy (SDCT): SDCT is a targeted approach where only cows with a history of mastitis or high somatic cell counts are treated with antibiotics at dry-off. Healthy cows receive an internal teat sealant, reducing antibiotic use and minimizing the risk of antimicrobial resistance. This approach requires accurate record-keeping including recording of clinical mastitis cases and regular monitoring of cow health
  5. Regular Monitoring: Conduct regular somatic cell count (SCC) testing to identify cows with subclinical mastitis. Early detection allows for prompt treatment and prevents the spread of infection. Milk recording is an essential tool in monitoring subclinical somatic cell count in dairy cows.

In summary, bovine mastitis is a complex and challenging condition that requires diligent management and prevention strategies. Understanding the causes of mastitis, the importance of maintaining a healthy teat canal, and employing best practices like aseptic milk sampling and selective dry cow therapy can significantly reduce the incidence of mastitis in your herd. By working together, farmers and vets can improve cow health, enhance milk quality, and safeguard the economic viability of dairy operations.

For more detailed information an, contact FarmLab Diagnostics. Our diagnostic services can help you provide the best care for your cattle. Contact us to learn more.

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Mycoplasma Bovis

Understanding Mycoplasma bovis: An Overview

Mycoplasma bovis is a bacteria which can lead to a range of diseases in cattle, including mastitis, arthritis, ear infections (otitis) and pneumonia. The organism is regarded as an “atypical” bacteria, due to the lack of a cell wall which makes it more
difficult to treat using antibiotics.

Transmission and Persistence in Cattle

The bacteria tends to persist for varying periods of time in infected animals, and shedding can be intermittent. Apparently health animals can carry the organism as “commensals” or bacteria which live on internal tissue surfaces such as the respiratory tract. Infection can be introduced into previously uninfected herds through the introduction of one of these carrier animals.

These animals can carry the infection in the tonsils/ respiratory tract/ as ear infections or mastitis. Infected animals can pass the infection onto other animals via secretions such as nasal secretions, aerosols or in the milking parlour via milk at milking time. Outbreaks of disease tends to be more severe in herds which have no previous exposure. Replacement animals can be screened using the antibody elisa test , although the absence of antibodies does not always mean that the animal is free from infection.

Pneumonia and Arthritis: Key Health Concerns

Mycoplasma bovis can cause pneumonia, either alone or as part of a mixed infection with other viruses. Infection of the lungs with mycoplasma bovis results in the development of chronic abscesses which are resistant to treatment. Mycoplasma bovis may be accompanied with arthritis in one or more joints, or arthritis may occur without pneumonia.

Mycoplasma is also associated with highly contagious mastitis, resulting in very high Somatic Cell counts, and often visually abnormal milk which can be purulent (but odourless) . It can also be present sub clinically with little or no visible changes in milk but resulting in elevated SCC.

Impact on Mastitis and Milk Quality

Once an active infection becomes established in a herd secretions from infected joints/ aerosols and droplets from the respiratory tract and milk samples can be infectious. It is thought that transfer via milk is one of the most common sources of mycoplasma related ear infections in calves.

Detection and Monitoring Strategies

Use of PCR testing to monitor the bulk tank for the presence of the mycoplasma bovis organism is a useful monitoring tool. Testing of pools of milk samples (5 individual samples) taken from cows during milking can be used to identify cows which are shedding Mycoplasma bovis. Control measures for mycoplasma mastitis focus on identifying infected carriers and culling of same, or in larger herds, establishment of two groups, an “infected” and “clean” group. Some options are available for the use of commercial or autogenous vaccines in infected herds. In the case of autogenous vaccines, a pure culture from the herd is required to create “seed material” for the vaccine. Treatment in mastitic/ arthritic cows is unrewarding and not generally recommended, apart from perhaps the use of analgesics to control pain and inflammation.

Seeking Further Information and Support

For more information on any of the above contact FarmLab Diagnostics

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Understanding Equine Cushing’s Syndrome (PPID)

Equine Cushing’s Syndrome, also known as Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction (PPID), is a common endocrine disorder in older horses. This blog explores the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and management of PPID, helping you keep your horse healthy and active.

What is Equine Cushing’s Syndrome (PPID)?

PPID is a progressive endocrine disorder caused by dysfunction of the pituitary gland. It leads to excessive production of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), affecting various metabolic processes and overall health.

How Does PPID Affect Horses?

PPID primarily affects older horses, leading to symptoms like long, curly coats (hirsutism), excessive sweating, weight loss, muscle wasting, lethargy, and increased susceptibility to infections. It also contributes to the development of laminitis. Explore Equine Cushing’s Syndrome should be considered as a contributing factor in horses presenting with laminitis.

Symptoms of Pituitary Dysfunction in Horses

Key symptoms include:

  • Hirsutism – Long, curly coat that fails to shed properly
  • Excessive Sweating – Increased sweating without exertion
  • Weight Loss – Despite a good appetite
  • Muscle Wasting – Noticeable muscle loss, especially along the topline
  • Lethargy – Reduced energy and activity levels.
  • Laminitis – Reluctance to move and lameness in multiple feet

Equine Metabolic Syndrome and PPID

PPID is often associated with Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS), a condition characterized by insulin resistance and abnormal fat deposition. Managing EMS is crucial for horses with Explore Equine Cushing’s Syndrome to prevent complications like laminitis.

Importance of ACTH Testing for Horses

ACTH testing measures the levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone in the blood, helping diagnose PPID. Regular testing is important for monitoring the progression of the disease and adjusting treatment plans accordingly.

Preventing Laminitis in Horses with PPID

Laminitis is a common and serious complication of Explore Equine Cushing’s Syndrome. Preventive measures include maintaining a balanced diet, regular exercise, and managing insulin resistance. Regular hoof care and monitoring are also essential.

Treatments Available for Equine Cushing’s Syndrome

Treatment primarily involves managing symptoms and slowing disease progression. Medications like pergolide mesylate (Prascend®) are commonly used to reduce ACTH levels. Regular veterinary check-ups and adjustments in treatment are important for effective management.

Impact of PPID on Equine Fertility

PPID can affect reproductive health in horses, leading to reduced fertility and reproductive performance. Managing Explore Equine Cushing’s Syndrome and associated metabolic conditions can help improve fertility outcomes.

Dietary Changes to Manage Equine Cushing’s Syndrome

Dietary management is crucial for horses with Explore Equine Cushing’s Syndrome. A low-sugar, low-starch diet helps manage insulin resistance and reduce the risk of laminitis. Providing adequate fiber and balanced nutrients supports overall health.

Finding More Information on Managing PPID in Horses

For more detailed information and expert guidance on managing Equine Cushing’s Syndrome, contact FarmLab Diagnostics. Our diagnostic services and veterinary expertise can help you provide the best care for your horse. Contact us to learn more.

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Managing Mastitis in Dairy Cows: Prevention and Treatment

Mastitis is a prevalent and costly disease in dairy cows, affecting milk quality and production. This blog provides insights into the diagnosis, causes, prevention, and treatment of mastitis, helping you maintain a healthy and productive herd.

What is Mastitis in Dairy Cows and How is it Diagnosed?

Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland, usually caused by bacterial infections. Diagnosis involves clinical examination and laboratory tests, such as milk culture and somatic cell count (SCC) analysis.

How Does Streptococcus Cause Mastitis in Cattle?

Streptococcus species, particularly Streptococcus agalactiae, are common mastitis pathogens. They enter the udder through the teat canal, leading to inflammation, swelling, and reduced milk production.

Signs of Staphylococcus aureus Infections in Dairy Cows

Staphylococcus aureus is another significant pathogen. It causes chronic infections, leading to abscess formation, fibrosis, and persistent high SCC. Infected cows may show swelling, redness, and abnormal milk.

Impact of Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci (CNS) on Dairy Cows

CNS are less virulent than S. aureus but can cause subclinical mastitis, leading to elevated SCC and reduced milk quality. Regular monitoring and hygiene practices can help manage CNS infections.

Importance of Somatic Cell Count (SCC) in Milk Production

SCC is a key indicator of udder health. High SCC indicates inflammation and infection, leading to reduced milk yield and quality. Regular SCC monitoring helps in early detection and management of the disease.

Best Practices for Preventing Mastitis in Dairy Herds

  • Hygiene
    • Maintain cleanliness in milking procedures and housing.
  • Milking Techniques
    • Use proper milking techniques and equipment.
  • Dry Cow Therapy
    • Administer appropriate treatments at dry-off. Cows should be selected for dry cow treatment based on the results of Somatic cell count analysis and bacteriology.
  • Nutrition
    • Ensure a balanced diet to support immune function. Monitoring for hypocalcemia is critical, as reduced calcium around calving leads to poor closure of the teat orifice, allowing bacteria to enter the teat canal. Equally adequatem mineral supplementation is critical for udder health
  • Regular Screening
    • Conduct regular mastitis screening and SCC monitoring.

Treating Mastitis in Dairy Cows

Treatment depends on the type and severity of the infection. Antibiotics are commonly used for bacterial infections, along with supportive therapies like anti-inflammatory drugs. Follow your veterinarian’s recommendations for effective treatment.

Reducing Somatic Cell Count (SCC) in Your Herd

  • Improve Hygiene – Enhance milking and housing hygiene.
  • Monitor Nutrition – Ensure cows receive adequate nutrition to support immune health.
  • Regular Screening – Conduct regular SCC testing to identify and manage infections early.

Impact of Mastitis on Milk Quality and Production

Mastitis significantly impacts milk quality, leading to lower milk yield, altered milk composition, and higher somatic cell counts. Managing it effectively is crucial for maintaining high-quality milk production.

Common Causes of Mastitis in Dairy Cows

The disease can be caused by various pathogens, including Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, and coliform bacteria. Poor milking hygiene, environmental factors, and compromised udder health are common contributing factors.

For more information on mastitis prevention and treatment, contact FarmLab Diagnostics. Our comprehensive diagnostic services and expert guidance can help you manage the disease effectively. Contact us to learn more.

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The Importance of Metabolic Testing in Dairy Cows

Metabolic testing is an important aspect of dairy cow health management, especially during the transition period. This blog explores what a metabolic profile is, its importance, key indicators, and how it helps in maintaining optimal health and productivity in dairy cows.

What is a Metabolic Profile in Dairy Cows?

A metabolic profile is a series of blood tests that evaluate the metabolic and nutritional status of dairy cows. It provides insights into various health aspects, including energy balance, mineral status, and liver function, which are vital for optimal cow performance.

Why is Metabolic Testing Important for Dairy Cows?

Metabolic testing helps identify nutritional imbalances and metabolic disorders early, allowing for timely intervention. This is particularly important during the transition period when cows are most vulnerable to metabolic issues.

Key Indicators in a Metabolic Profile Test

  1. Non-Esterified Fatty Acids (NEFA): High levels indicate negative energy balance.
  2. Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB): Elevated levels can indicate subclinical ketosis.
  3. Calcium: Low levels are associated with milk fever and hypocalcemia.
  4. Magnesium: Important for preventing grass tetany.
  5. Phosphorus: Deficiency can lead to reproductive issues and complicate recovery from milk fever.

How Can Metabolic Testing Help During the Transition Period?

The transition period, three weeks before to three weeks after calving, is critical for dairy cows. Metabolic testing during this time helps identify cows at risk of metabolic disorders, enabling targeted nutritional and management interventions.

Displaced Abomasum and Metabolic Health

Displaced abomasum is a common issue in dairy cows, often linked to metabolic health. Early detection through metabolic testing can help prevent this condition, which significantly impacts milk production and cow welfare.

Importance of NEFA Levels in Dairy Cow Health

NEFA levels provide an indication of the cow’s energy balance. High NEFA levels suggest that the cow is mobilizing body fat due to inadequate energy intake, which can lead to metabolic disorders like ketosis and fatty liver.

Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) and Dairy Cow Health

BHB is a ketone body, and its elevated levels indicate ketosis, a metabolic disorder common in high-producing dairy cows. Regular monitoring of BHB can help in early detection and management of ketosis.

Preventing Hypercalcemia in Your Dairy Herd

Hypercalcemia, or low blood calcium, is a common issue in dairy cows, particularly around calving. Preventive measures include proper dietary management, supplementation, and regular metabolic testing to monitor calcium levels.

Symptoms of Milk Fever in Dairy Cows

Milk fever, caused by severe hypercalcemia, presents symptoms like muscle tremors, weakness, and recumbency. Early intervention and treatment are crucial to prevent severe health issues and ensure cow welfare.

Frequency of Metabolic Testing for Dairy Cows

Metabolic testing should be conducted regularly, especially during critical periods like the transition period. Consult with your veterinarian to establish an appropriate testing schedule for your herd.

For more detailed information on metabolic testing and how it can benefit your dairy herd, contact FarmLab Diagnostics. Our experts are ready to assist you with comprehensive diagnostic solutions. Contact us to learn more.

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Understanding Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD) and Its Impact on Dairy Cows

Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD) is a significant viral infection that affects cattle, leading to substantial economic losses in the dairy industry. This blog will delve into the details of BVD, its transmission, signs and symptoms, the importance of testing, prevention strategies, and effective management practices.

What is Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD)?

BVD is a highly contagious viral disease caused by the Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV). The virus affects cattle of all ages, leading to a range of clinical manifestations, from mild to severe, including respiratory issues, reproductive problems, and immunosuppression. One of the most significant impacts being infection of the unborn calf if a pregnant cow is infected, resulting in the birth of a persistently infected (PI) calf

How is BVD Transmitted Among Dairy Cows?

BVDV is primarily transmitted through direct contact with infected animals. The virus can be spread via saliva, nasal discharge, urine, and feces. Additionally, vertical transmission can occur from a pregnant cow to her fetus, leading to persistently infected (PI) calves.

Signs and Symptoms of BVD in Cattle

Symptoms of BVD vary based on the strain of the virus and the age of the affected animal. Common signs include fever, diarrhea, respiratory distress, nasal discharge, and reduced milk production. In pregnant cows, BVD can cause abortions, stillbirths, and congenital defects.

Why is BVD Testing Important for My Dairy Herd?

BVD testing is crucial for identifying infected animals and managing the disease effectively. Early detection helps prevent the spread of the virus within the herd, safeguarding the health and productivity of your cattle.

How is BVD Transmitted Among Dairy Cows?

  • Real-time PCR – This method detects the viral RNA and is highly sensitive and specific.
  • Antibody Detection (ELISA Tests) – These tests identify antibodies against BVDV, indicating exposure to the virus.
  • Virus Isolation – This traditional method involves growing the virus from samples in a lab setting.

How Can I Prevent BVD in My Dairy Farm?

Preventing BVD involves a combination of biosecurity measures, regular testing, and vaccination. Implementing strict biosecurity protocols can minimise the risk of introducing the virus to your herd. Regular testing helps identify and manage infected animals pro

Steps to Take if BVD is Detected in Your Herd

If BVD is detected, it is essential to isolate infected animals and follow a comprehensive disease management plan. Work closely with a veterinary professional practitioner to develop a strategy that includes culling PI animals, vaccinating the herd, and enhancing biosecurity measures. In Ireland BVD is a notifiable disease, and outbreaks should be managed as set out under the Animal Health Ireland BVD eradication programme.

Impact of BVD on Milk Production in Dairy Cows

Although BVD does not directly impact milk production, the overall health issues caused by the virus, such as immunosuppression and secondary infections, can lead to decreased milk yield and quality.

Effective Vaccines for BVD in Cattle

Vaccination is a key component of BVD prevention. Several effective vaccines are available that can protect your herd from BVDV. Consult with your veterinarian to choose the most suitable vaccine for your farm.

Best Practices for Managing BVD in Dairy Herds

  • Regular Testing
    • Conduct routine BVD testing to monitor the health status of your herd. All newborn calves should be tested using “Ear notch testing” , by taking a sample from the calf’s ear when it is tagged.
  • Vaccination
    • Implement a comprehensive vaccination program.
  • Biosecurity
    • Enforce strict biosecurity measures to prevent the introduction and spread of BVDV.
  • Record Keeping
    • Maintain detailed records of animal health, vaccinations, and test results.

For more information on BVD testing and management, contact FarmLab Diagnostics. Our team of experts is here to help you safeguard your herd’s health and productivity. Contact us today to learn more.

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What Is Equine Cushing’s Syndrome

What Is Equine Cushing’s Syndrome

Equine Cushing’s Syndrome (ECS), also known as Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction (PPID), is an endocrine disorder predominantly affecting older horses. Recognizing the importance of awareness, we at FarmLab Diagnostics aim to guide horse owners through understanding the causes, diagnosis, and management of ECS.

What Causes ECS?

At the core of ECS is a dysfunction in the pituitary gland’s pars intermedia. This dysfunction leads to an overproduction of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which in turn causes the adrenal glands to produce excessive cortisol. This hormone imbalance manifests in symptoms such as hirsutism (a long, curly hair coat), increased thirst and urination, laminitis, and muscle wasting.

Diagnosing ECS

The key to diagnosing ECS lies in measuring plasma ACTH levels, which can vary seasonally. Here’s what the process involves:

  • Clinical Examination: Vets look for symptoms like unusual hair growth, increased thirst and urination, and signs of laminitis.
  • ACTH Measurement: A blood sample is collected to check ACTH levels. Handling and timing are crucial, as samples should be cool and tested considering seasonal ACTH fluctuations.
  • Interpreting Results: Results are compared against seasonally adjusted reference ranges to confirm ECS.

Managing ECS

Though ECS is chronic, effective management is possible through:

  • Medications: Pergolide mesylate is commonly used to regulate pituitary function.
  • Diet: A low sugar and carbohydrate diet helps manage insulin resistance.
  • Exercise: Regular activity is encouraged to maintain muscle tone and manage weight.
  • Regular Monitoring: Ongoing veterinary check-ups and ACTH tests are essential to adapt the treatment plan as needed.
  • Hoof Care: Regular care from a professional farrier helps manage laminitis risks.

With early diagnosis and proactive management, horses with ECS can enjoy a good quality of life. At FarmLab Diagnostics, we are committed to supporting horse owners with accurate diagnostics and practical guidance. For detailed information or to schedule a test, visit our services page.

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Comprehensive Mineral Analysis for Dairy Cows

Mineral analysis is essential for maintaining the health and productivity of dairy cows. This blog covers the importance of trace elements, the impact of deficiencies, and how regular mineral analysis can benefit your herd.

What is Mineral Analysis for Dairy Cows?

Mineral analysis involves testing blood, milk, or tissue samples to assess the levels of essential trace elements and minerals in dairy cows. This helps in identifying deficiencies and imbalances that can affect cow health and productivity.

Importance of Trace Elements for Cattle Health

Trace elements such as copper, selenium, iodine, and zinc are vital for various physiological functions, including immune response, reproduction, and growth. Ensuring adequate levels of these elements is crucial for maintaining herd health.

Impact of Copper Deficiency on Dairy Cows

Copper deficiency can lead to issues like poor growth, anaemia, and reduced immune function. Regular mineral analysis helps in early detection and management of copper levels to prevent these health problems.

Role of Selenium in Bovine Health

Selenium is essential for antioxidant defence and immune function. Deficiency can result in conditions like white muscle disease in calves and reduced reproductive performance in cows. Regular supplementation and monitoring are important.

Ensuring Adequate Iodine Intake in Cattle

Iodine is necessary for thyroid function and metabolic regulation. Deficiency can cause goiter, reproductive issues, and poor growth, together with reduced vigour and viability of newborn calves. Mineral analysis helps ensure your herd is receiving sufficient iodine through diet or supplements.

Necessity of Zinc Supplementation for Dairy Cows

Zinc plays a crucial role in skin health, wound healing, and immune function. Deficiency can lead to issues like poor hoof health and reduced milk production. Regular monitoring and supplementation are key to maintaining optimal zinc levels.

Impact of Molybdenum on Cattle Diets

Excessive molybdenum can interfere with copper absorption, leading to secondary copper deficiency. Balancing molybdenum levels through analysis is essential for preventing imbalances and maintaining overall health.

Detecting Mineral Deficiencies in Your Dairy Herd

Regular mineral analysis allows for the early detection of deficiencies and imbalances, enabling timely corrective actions. This helps in preventing health issues and ensuring optimal productivity in your herd.

Benefits of Mineral Supplementation for Cattle

Proper mineral supplementation supports various physiological functions, enhances immune response, improves reproductive performance, and boosts overall productivity. Tailored supplementation based on mineral analysis results is the most effective approach.

Mineral Deficiencies and Bovine Infertility

Mineral deficiencies, particularly of trace elements like selenium and copper, can significantly impact fertility in dairy cows. Regular mineral analysis and appropriate supplementation can help mitigate infertility issues and improve reproductive performance.

For comprehensive mineral analysis and tailored supplementation plans, contact FarmLab Diagnostics. Our team is equipped with advanced diagnostic tools to support your herd’s health and productivity. Contact us to learn more.

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Focus on IBR control now

Focus on IBR control now

What is IBR?

Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis is an infectious viral disease of cattle that is contagious. It belongs to a family of viruses called herpesvirus. These viruses are different because they can develop latency. This means after initially becoming infected the animal may get sick or may appear clinically normal. Then the virus subsequently goes into hiding (in the nervous system) and can reactivate or reappear in times of stress. This means these animals often don’t get sick again but will shed the virus to infect other animals.

People will be familiar with the cold sore virus which acts in a very similar fashion in humans.


The virus affects the upper respiratory system of cattle. It can cause irritation and reddening of the airways and eyes. It can cause coughing and breathing difficulty. A lot of animals can become sick with the virus and will run a temperature of over 40 degrees Celsius.

It can also shed out to the bloodstream causing fertility issues and abortion.

How is it spread?

It can be spread in aerosol secretions from sick infected animals. This is usually by close contact or while sharing the same airspace. Another reason why ventilation and fresh air are so important. When controlling respiratory disease in cattle giving animals space and fresh air is so important indoors.

Adult animals shedding the disease can pose a risk to younger stock with little or no immunity.

Latently infected carriers can also shed the virus when reactivated through some stressors. They will not shed as much virus as infected animals but can be a significant source of infection. The real risk here is when we buy in these carrier animals (look healthy) they can then start shedding in the herd when becoming stressed.

This is where blood testing of bought-in stock for IBR may prove very valuable.

Some examples of these cases we have seen are where cows are bought in and at calving time start shedding.

They then can infect other cows at calving who are stressed causing significant clinical disease.

Watch our video as Farmlab vet John Gilmore discusses above the mechanisms by which IBR sheds and spreads.

IBR can cause significant issues with sick animals and disease. Not just respiratory disease, but infertility and immunosuppression.

How can we test for it?

Thankfully we have very effective tests for IBR virus in our state of the art laboratory. We can use blood samples to check for antibodies or use milk samples in dairy cows. Bulk milk screening tests are very useful for monitoring IBR levels in the dairy herd.

At farmlabs we also have a very unique PCR test that can pick up the virus on nasal swabs, This test can be used by your vet on clinical cases where there is a suspicion of respiratory disease and IBR.

We can also check the windpipe of animals we have carried out post mortems on by using PCR to check for the virus.

Talk to your vet today about sampling your herd to check for IBR status.

Control strategies

If your herd is IBR free then we must have very strict biosecurity to prevent the disease being bought in. This can be very difficult so most farms will incorporate vaccination as part of their control strategies.

IBR vaccination control programs work very well once the vaccine is used correctly and timed to protect animals at the greatest period of risk.

With a number of vaccination programs available talk to your vet about suitable protocols for your farm.

For more information about IBR control, you can contact us on 071 9630792

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Controlling Johnes disease

Watch our video here with Vet John Gilmore as he discusses Johne’s Disease.

What is it?

Johne’s Disease is a chronic disease affecting herds causing a range of symptoms and having a massive impact on production and performance.

It is caused by a bacteria called MAP (mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis). This bacteria will be ingested by young animals, typically calves and lie dormant for years. We typically don’t see the symptoms of the disease before two years of age.

It is usually brought into herds by infected animals that are not showing any symptoms. There is a huge value for farms to know their johnes status when selling animals. Also, this must be a question more farmers need to be asking when purchasing stock.

In Ireland, we have our national Johnes control program. This program is being run by Animal Health Ireland with industry, vets, and farmers. This requires routine testing in conjunction with vet supported on-farm risk assessments.

We encourage all farmers to get involved in this important program aimed at johnes control in our national herd.

What are the symptoms?

We must remember johne’s disease is a chronic disease meaning that it progresses slowly even after calves being infected or ingesting the bacteria. Some older infected animals will show no symptoms but will still be shedding continuing the cycle on the farm.

The typical symptoms we see with johnes are scouring, reduced feed efficiency and weight loss. This happens because the bacteria when it activates in the lower gut causes intestinal swelling and this leads to poor absorption of nutrients.

This then leads to scouring and weight loss. These animals are a really big source of infection for other animals especially calves.

How is it spread?

An animal positive for johnes will spread the bacteria in three ways

  1. In faeces in huge numbers which is the biggest risk
  2. In colostrum to young calves and also in milk
  3. They may infect their unborn calf in the womb also

The young animals will typically ingest the bacteria in faeces or maybe colostrum. It will then go to the intestine where it will almost go into hibernation. In this state, it also isn’t picked up by the immune system making testing impossible.

It begins to reactivate in animals as they get older (usually in animals >2 years old).

This continues the cycle with some showing symptoms as the disease progresses and also beginning shedding.

It can have a massive impact on profit and performance.

There are two critical elements to control, testing with a subsequent culling policy and controlling the spread on the farm (reducing the risk).

How can we test for it?

There are two main ways to test for johnes in milk or by blood sampling. With both these tests, we are checking for antibodies to the disease. This means that animals under two years of age are not tested as they may have been exposed but will be showing no evidence of the disease.

At farmlab diagnostics, we specialize in testing and improving animal health through the use of cutting edge science.

Faecal testing can also be used to isolate the bacteria itself to confirm blood or milk test results.

Watch the above as John outlines the key elements of testing and why with a chronic disease like johnes testing must be carried out over a number of years to establish the status of the herd.

When we identify johnes positive animals then we must start working on appropriate culling policy depending on numbers.

Talk to your veterinary surgeon about how you can start testing for and putting controls in place on your farm.

Controlling the risk

If we know the main spread is particularly by faeces, then milk and possibly in the womb to calves. We must work hard to reduce the risk of spread. Firstly with testing we can identify the positive cows and take very specific risk management with them around calving.

When we have johnes in our herds all these risks still need to be minimized for all stock.

For dairy calves, this is by snatch calving and avoiding things like pooling colostrum.

Here we outline why we need to get serious about johnes disease and its spread. Focus heavily on regular yearly tests (60 days must be left for testing after tb testing) and culling policies. Then work hard on reducing the spread within the herd.

For more information about johnes testing contact us on (071) 9630792  or email [email protected]

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Rotavirus A PCR Testing

Rotavirus infection in humans and animals was determined using NSP3 targeted RT-PCR and ProSpecT Rotavirus ELISA tests

New Cow Testing Programmes

Read below for some details on our cow testing programmes.

  1. Giving the cow a “GOOD START”
  • The transition period is the most important period in the lactating cow’s year, with 80% of disease costs associated with this period1. For this reason it is essential that every dairy cow gets a good start to their lactation.
  • Subclinical hypocalcemia and subclinical ketosis/ negative energy balance (NEB) are the main reasons why dairy cows do not get off to a “GOOD START”.
  • Up to 50% of freshly calved dairy cows suffer from one or both conditions during the transition period, this in turn leads to
  • Reduced fertility,
    • Reduced milk yield,
    • Metritis,
    • Mastitis
    • Displaced abomasum 2
  • Monitoring the metabolic profile of the herd in the transition period allows for effective decision making around prevention and treatment of these transition period problems
    • Low Calcium levels associated with subclinical hypocalcemia
    • Elevated BHB and NEFA levels associated with NEB
    • Low blood urea nitrogen levels are associated with poor availability of rumen degradable protein.
    • Albumin levels are associated with liver function and long-term protein status.
    • Elevated globulin levels can be indicative of chronic inflammation 3

2. The FarmLab Cow-Life programme monitors key health parameters in the herd on a continuous basis throughout lactation, thereby ensuring problems relating to health, parasites, and mastitis can be proactively detected.

Bulk tank milk is monitored throughout the lactation for:

Infectious disease – Leptospirosis. IBR, Salmonella, Mycoplasma, Neospora

Parasites – Gutworm and Liver Fluke

Mastitis – Individual culture of clinical mastitis / high SCC cases and Bulk tank milk PCR to detect the main mastitis causing organisms.

Got a question on our cow testing programmes? Contact us today to learn more.

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BEEP Scheme faecal sampling

Farmlab Diagnostics are a designated laboratory for BEEP scheme Faecal testing.

In order to be able to provide the best quality of service in relation to BEEP faecal testing, we are taking a limited number of orders for BEEP faecal testing kits up to and including July 15th 2022. Due to limited capacity, we are only in a position to carry out BEEP testing for customers who sent BEEP samples to us previously in 2021.
BEEP testing kits can only be ordered by sending an email to [email protected]

We have now stopped taking orders for BEEP sampling kits. Kits which have already been sent out should be returned before 2/9/22

The last date for return of samples to FarmLab is 2/9/22. Note this is earlier than the DAFM cut off date, this is to allow time to process samples and return data to DAFM before their cut off date for the beep scheme.

Enquiry’s relating to BEEP testing will be taken by email only. Enquiries should be made to [email protected].

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Top tips for taking milk samples

At Farmlab, we test hundreds of milk samples every month for farmers and vets to determine what pathogens are involved in mastitis cases. Getting a handle on these bugs can mean we can make better decisions on how to stop the spread. Different bacteria will act in different ways causing mastitis, it is important to identify these pathogens on your farm.

It can also inform us about what treatments might be effective. We perform culture and sensitivity testing on samples to check which antibiotics work on these bacteria.

To get the most accurate results it is so important to take the sample correctly. We must avoid contamination of milk samples as this will impact on the test results.

Watch our video here about 7 top tips to milk sampling

  • Get cotton wool and make swabs that you can then soak in alcohol to clean the teats effectively.
  • You will need clean gloves and sterile sample pots to take the milk sample into.
  • Use CMT (California mastitis test) to identify mastitis or pick up high SCC quarters
  • clean the outside of the teat first
  • Clean the teat orifice thoroughly
  • Draw out that teat twice before sampling
  • Angle sample container to minimize contamination
  • Fill the tube half full at least
  • Label your sample container with a tag number of the cow
  • Post quickly

Getting a good sample is essential to getting good quality results.

For more information about milk sampling and mastitis control contact us on 071 9630792 or email [email protected]

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Sheep Abortion The Facts

As we head into the peak of lambing season, one disease no sheep farmer wants to see is abortion. This can occur in flocks in the last trimester of pregnancy, with some abortion storms leading to 25% losses.

The target for abortions is to have them under 2% in your flock. 

We regularly talk to farmers in the vet practice who have experienced this devastating disease.

Like every disease it can have massive health and financial impacts on flock performance. During an outbreak of abortion we must act fast to get issues under control.

We can make short term decisions that can help but also accurate early diagnosis will help to make better future decisions around control.

There are several agents that can cause abortion. Chlamydial abortion, toxoplasmosis, salmonella, listeria amongst other things.

By far the two most common agents isolated are Enzootic (chlamydia abortus) and toxoplasmosis. 

Sheep abortion some facts 

  • Chlamydia abortion is a bacterial infection that can cause abortions in our flocks. It can spread easily from the womb of infected sheep, aborted lambs or afterbirth. Even young lambs or other infected sheep can pick up the infection from these materials. It will lie dormant in these sheep until they are 90 days pregnant greatly increasing the risk of abortion. 
  • In simple terms exposed sheep may become infected. They will appear normal but can abort after 90 days of pregnancy. 
  • This is one of the abortion agents we can bring into our flock with sheep carrying the bacteria. This is why operating a closed flock pays or else buying stock from a farm of known disease status. 
  • Where outbreaks occur all aborted sheep and aborted materials must be kept away from other sheep. Once this problem or chlamydia abortion has been diagnosed vets can recommend flock treatments with antibiotics.
  • With increased concerns around AMR and antibiotic resistance we must be very careful about flock treatments without the correct diagnosis. 
  • Toxoplsmosis is an abortion agent caused by a protozoan oocyst. The cat plays as important intermediate host in this cycle. They can spread toxoplasma oocysts in their faeces which can infect immunoniave sheep. 
  • With toxoplasma you can get a number of presentations. Some ewes will abort early and will scan empty. Other ewes will carry close to full term aborting anywhere in the last 6 weeks before lambing. 
  • While enzootic abortion you can have some lambs born weak or alive, with toxoplasma more often than not you will have dead lambs (or mummified foetuses.
  • During a toxoplasma outbreak there is little point treating the flock. Once a diagnosis is made, then long term control strategies like vaccination become very important.
  • With cats playing an important role in the potential spread of toxoplasmosis. All feed stores should be secured and cats really shouldn’t be allowed in sheep sheds with pregnant ewes. Following infection, sheep develop immunity which will protect them against the disease in subsequent pregnancies

Steps to take during an outbreak

We need to remember that these abortion agents are zoonotic agents. This means they can affect humans, with pregnant women being at particular risk. Take care while handling aborted material and when returning back into the house. 

All aborted material should be removed quickly from lambing pens. This includes dead lambs, placenta, lambing gloves and straw or bedding. 

Aborted lambs and placenta can be used to take diagnostic swabs by your veterinary surgeon. Farmlab has a very unique test to diagnose the cause of abortions. 

All ewes that have aborted must be isolated from the flock. They can be the source of infection with other sheep in the flock including lambs.

Diagnostic options

Having a diagnosis of which agent has caused your abortion can really make a big difference. 

For more information around our cutting edge science in abortion detection using swabbing, talk to your own veterinary practitioner.

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Sheep Abortions

Laboratory tests for the causes of sheep abortion are an essential diagnostic tool which can save the farmer huge expenditure in money, time, and labour.  However, it is vital that the swabs for the tests are performed accurately.  This Farmlab video shows the procedure clearly and also explains it in clear and straightforward language.

BVD The Facts For Farmers


Our BVD eradication scheme is coming very close to our target of national eradication and we are seeing the real animal health benefits on farms.

While we have not achieved national eradication, significant progress has been made. We can also learn valuable lessons for future programs and their implementation. For now BVD tissue tag testing is a key component of this program as we get closer to eradication.

Talking to vets up and down the country one thing they have really begun to reflect on, is how much more healthy cattle are. One area where significant improvements have been made, are in improving calf health. This improvement in calf health is one of the real success stories of the program.

BVD virus works by suppressing the immune system amongst other things. When we tackle disease we are always trying to raise immunity and reduce infection. Removing this virus from circulation is critical to healthy cattle farming.

Lets remind ourselves on BVD the facts

  • BVD or bovine viral diarrhoea virus has an affinity for the reproductive tract of animals causing a range of diseases. It can cause severe immunosuppression in young animals. An animal’s immune system is so important in the fight against infectious bugs and pathogens.
  • There are two strains of the virus but we commonly see BVDv type 1 in Ireland
  • Animals who haven’t been exposed to the virus are extremely susceptible. This means while most Irish farms current risks are low it is extremely important to keep the disease out. Good biosecurity is important when we consider all infectious disease.
  • The virus can spread orally or by inhalation, it will usually migrate to the ovaries and womb of female cattle. This is important because it can pass through the placenta into the young calf.
  • The critical thing to remember is when this happens in the first 120 days of pregnancy the calf can become persistently infected. At this early stage the calf has no immune system developed so will it be persistently infected with the virus.
  • These calves may not survive and abort or can be born persistently infected. The tissue tagging we currently do is to identify these calves early and remove them.
  • Very occasionally the virus can cause deformities in the calf.
  • The virus also can have devastating effects at breeding time itself, with dramatic increases in fertility issues. This can be seen with poor conception, early embryo loss and usually farmers will see very irregular repeats or cattle returning on heat.
  • While persistently infected animals are a huge source of the disease, we can also get animals with transient infections. This is where healthy animals are exposed to the virus, they will show the effects like infertility or often in older cattle issues like respiratory disease.
  • While the BVD virus can cause problems on its own, its effect on depressing the immune system opens the door for other viruses and bacteria. We can often see this where we have really bad outbreaks of pneumonia even in older cattle.
  • Where a persistently infected calf is born they can really shed billions of viruses into the environment. These will then infect other calves in the herd (transient infections 3-4 weeks). This can be absolutely devastating where you get calf scours.
  • BVD virus can also infect bulls , they will often get a temperature spike and can become infertile
  • Remember good biosecurity pays long term, don’t buy in disease and always secure boundaries.

We are very close to eradication

Removing PI (persistently infected) animals has been a key part of the program through tissue testing. These animals are like virus factories and early testing and prompt removal is critical. While most of these PI animals will not make it to 2 years. Some will and can appear normal but will continually shed the virus.

Should I continue to vaccinate?

This is a question we commonly get asked about BVD. Vaccination has traditionally played an important role in the control of BVD. Vaccines are often administered in advance of breeding to protect the female animal and her future calf.

Every vaccine will have a specific protocol and must be followed. While the risk of BVD is extremely low now for most herds, our advice has been to talk to your own veterinary practitioners about your herds risk.

The challenge is now, as the vast majority of herds have no immunity or exposure and outbreak could be devastating. While we have BVD in our national herd even at very small levels, this makes anyone advising to drop a vaccine in a very difficult position.

Farmlab Diagnostics continues to develop its services to help vets and farmers have healthier livestock.

We also do special offers on larger volumes of testing, just pick up the phone to find out more.

BVD Virus

The number of BVD virus animals born has been reduced to 925 or 0.05% of calves born in 2019.

Bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) virus in Ireland has been controlled as part of the National BVD Eradication Programme since 2012. In 2013 it became mandatory that all newborn calves were tissue tag tested for BVD Virus. Since that time the numbers of BVD positive animals have greatly reduced.  The number of BVD positive animals born in 2013 was 16,194 or 0.77% of the national herd. With three weeks left to go in 2019, the number of BVD animals born this year has been reduced to 925 or 0.05% of calves born. This is an incredible achievement, and of huge benefit to Irish national cattle herd.

Improved health and fertility on Irish cattle farms

The benefit of this reduction in BVD levels has been seen in improved health and fertility on Irish cattle farms. The reason for this is that BVD has a number of detrimental effects on bovine health and well-being. Two of the main effects are a reduction in immunity to other diseases and a negative impact on fertility. The negative impact on fertility may be seen as a failure to conceive, abortion, stillbirths, congenital deformities, or calves being born as persistently infected (PI) animals.

Identification of positive animals in positive BVD Virus herds

One of the main contributors to this dramatic reduction in calves born persistently infected with BVD is the identification of positive animals in positive BVD herds. This has been brought about by sampling every calf when it is born to see if it is infected with BVD virus (BVDV) or not. If the calf is infected then a decision is made on whether it is persistently infected or not. If it is persistently infected then it is removed from the herd, and so prevents the spread of the disease to other animals on the farm. This is particularly important in preventing spread to pregnant cows and heifers on the farm, and so eliminating the possibility of creating another generation of persistently infected animals on the farm.

Elisa testing and PCR testing

When the tissue tag is taken from the newborn calf it is sent to a designated laboratory for testing. All BVD designated laboratories are accredited to ISO17025 standard to carry out BVD tests on ear notch samples. Once received in the laboratory the sample is tested using one of two methods, ie either Elisa testing or PCR testingElisa testing works by identifying the erns protein which is present in the BVD virus. Persistently infected calves have the virus in all of their tissues as well as in their bloodstream, and so if the animal is positive for BVD it should be detected using the ELISA test. The other test which is used to detect virus positive calves is a technique called PCR testing. The full name for this is quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) testing. This method works by detecting sequences of the virus’ RNA which are unique to that virus. This means that qPCR is a highly accurate means of detecting BVDV.

Sample Process

Once calves are tissue tag sampled, the tags should be dispatched to the laboratory as soon as possible, allowing the tissue sample to reach the laboratory within 7 days of being taken from the calf. Farmers sending tag samples to the laboratory should familiarize themselves with the postage requirements for these samples. From 2019 the minimum postage requirement on tissue tags sent in the post is €2.00. This usually allows up to 10 tags to be posted, but farmers should check this with An Post before sending. Once samples have been tested in the laboratory results are transmitted to the ICBF database, The ICBF database then sends a text message to the farmer notifying them of the test result

As the Seasons Change

As the seasons change so does the nature of work being carried out at FarmLab. As we move from autumn to winter and drying off there is a big increase in the volumes of milk sample bacteriology being carried out. Bacteriological culture and sensitivity testing of milk samples is a useful means to identify which types of bacteria are causing problems on farm. Identification of contagious organisms such as Staphylococcus aureus, can have a big influence in determining how to approach the issue of dry cow therapy, and the issue of the use of antibiotics at drying off.

Equally identification of organisms on farm which may be resistant to some antibiotics is essential when considering which treatments to use. The attending veterinary practitioner is uniquely placed to advise on the selection of antibiotics treatments, and helping to advise on whether antibiotics are required in certain cows at drying time (“Selective Dry Cow Therapy”). The use of milk culture and sensitivity testing is an essential tool in making an informed decision.

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