What are the Symptoms of Milk Fever in Dairy Cows?

Milk fever, or hypocalcemia, is a common metabolic disorder in dairy cows caused by low blood calcium levels. Recognizing the symptoms early is crucial for prompt treatment and preventing severe complications.

Common Symptoms of Clinical Milk Fever

  • Stage 1 (Mild Symptoms):
    • Muscle Tremors: Shivering and twitching muscles.
    • Restlessness: Frequent shifting and uneasiness.
    • Reduced Appetite: Decreased feed intake.
    • Weakness: Slight unsteadiness when standing.
  • Stage 2 (Moderate Symptoms):
    • Recumbency: Inability to stand, lying down frequently.
    • Cold Extremities: Cold ears, legs, and muzzle.
    • Depression: Dullness and lack of alertness.
    • Bloat: Swollen abdomen due to reduced rumen function.
  • Stage 3 (Severe Symptoms):
    • Severe Weakness: Complete inability to stand.
    • Severe Depression: Almost comatose state.
    • Death: If untreated, can lead to death within hours.
  • The clinical signs above relate to clinical milk fever. For every clinical case in a herd there is likely to be at least 10 sub-clinical hypocalcemia cases. These cows can suffer from poor immunity, retained cleanings, poor uterine involution post calving, reduced fertility, mastitis and abdominal disorders/ displacements. 

Prompt Treatment and Management

  • Calcium Administration: Intravenous or oral calcium supplements.
  • Supportive Care: Ensure the cow is in a comfortable position and provide supportive care to prevent secondary complications.
  • Monitor Recovery: Regularly monitor the cow’s condition and provide additional calcium if necessary.

For expert guidance and comprehensive metabolic testing services, contact FarmLab Diagnostics.

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