What Does Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB) Indicate in Dairy Cows?

Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) is a key indicator of energy metabolism in dairy cows. Elevated BHB levels are a sign of ketosis, a metabolic disorder that can significantly impact milk production and overall herd health.

Importance of BHB Monitoring

  • Ketosis Detection: Elevated BHB levels indicate ketosis, a condition where cows break down fat excessively due to inadequate energy intake.
  • Health and Productivity: High BHB levels are associated with reduced milk yield, poor reproductive performance, and increased risk of other health issues.
  • Transition Period: Monitoring BHB levels during the transition period helps in early detection and management of ketosis.

Causes and Risk Factors for Elevated BHB

  • Negative Energy Balance: Insufficient dietary energy leading to excessive fat mobilisation.
  • Poor Nutritional Management: Imbalanced diets lacking adequate energy density.
  • Other Health Issues: Concurrent diseases and stress can exacerbate fat mobilisation and ketosis.

Managing and Preventing Ketosis

  • Nutritional Strategies: Provide high-energy diets, especially during the transition period.
  • Regular Monitoring: Conduct routine metabolic testing to monitor BHB levels and detect issues early.
  • Health Management: Address underlying health issues promptly and reduce stress to improve overall well-being.

For reliable metabolic testing services and expert guidance, contact FarmLab Diagnostics.

Our comprehensive diagnostic solutions can help you optimise herd health and productivity.

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