About Us

About Us

FarmLab Diagnostics provides comprehensive animal health diagnostic solutions, including diagnostic testing services, test development, and a range of diagnostic products. Established in 2012 by practising veterinary surgeons, we have grown into a leading provider for the veterinary industry.

Our Services:

  • Pathogen testing using real-time PCR
  • Antibody detection and ELISA tests
  • Parasitology
  • Microbiology
  • Mineral analysis and biochemistry

We employ modern diagnostic techniques to ensure accurate disease testing. Our lab is accredited to ISO 17025 standard, reflecting our commitment to quality management and efficient test result turnaround.

Our Team

John Gilmore, Managing Director: A veterinary practitioner since 1997, John brings extensive experience and insight into animal health testing and herd health medicine.

Dr. Mikhail Nosov, Technical Manager: A molecular biologist with a robust research background, Mikhail oversees daily testing operations and new test development, ensuring FarmLab remains at the forefront of animal health diagnostics in Ireland.

Our dedicated team of experienced vets, scientists, and skilled laboratory analysts ensures quick, efficient, and high-quality testing, adhering to stringent quality assurance guidelines. Many of our tests are accredited by INAB to the ISO 17025 standard, underpinning our success and reliability in animal diagnostics.

Farmlab Diagnostics

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Farmlab Diagnostics

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