Our Tests
Elisa Antibody Detection, Antigen, PCR Tests, Bacteriology, Parisatology
BVD is a viral disease which can infect cattle of any age. Infection of a pregnant cow or heifer can result in the birth of a persistently infected BVD positive calf…
Read MoreVets can login here to view their tests results, and get access to information relating to samples which they have submitted…
Read MoreFarmLab Diagnostics provide a range of products and equipment for the diagnosis and detection of animal health related issues…
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Understanding Liver Fluke in Cattle and Sheep: A Guide for Farmers Liver fluke infection, caused by the parasitic flatworm Fasciola hepatica, is a widespread and serious issue affecting both cattle and sheep. The parasite can lead to significant health problems in livestock, ultimately impacting farm productivity and profitability. The Lifecycle of Liver Fluke Understanding the […]
Tickborne Fever (TBF) is an infectious disease affecting the white blood cells of ruminants. The disease is transmitted by the tick Ixodes ricinus. The causative agent of this diseases is Anaplasma phagocytophilum. Infected ticks transmit the anaplasma organism to sheep and cattle while feeding on them. The infection is carried in the animals blood system, […]
Understanding Bovine Mastitis: A Guide for Farmers and Vets Bovine mastitis remains one of the most significant challenges facing dairy farmers and vets. This painful and potentially devastating condition not only affects the health and welfare of the cows but also leads to substantial economic losses due to decreased milk production, discarded milk, treatment costs, […]
What are clients say about us
FarmLab diagnostics is a provider of diagnostic testing services for various animal diseases. The company uses the modern diagnostic techniques to provide improved accuracy of disease testing.